Metropolicyarchive.ca is a collection of resources for studying the political economy of schooling, housing, and opportunity and inequality in two Canadian urban regions—Metropolitan Toronto and the Greater Vancouver Area.
The success or failure of urban regions at fostering equalized educational and economic opportunity is the direct result of the accumulated historical policy choices of the people directly involved in planning our cities and running our school systems.
Metropolicyarchive.ca is devoted to making available material that will enable researchers, policy makers, and the public to examine the effects of historical policy choices on educational services and urban living in Toronto and Vancouver. The website encourages us to learn lessons from the past that will promote policies in the present that boost opportunity and reduce inequality.
This website is run by Jason Ellis, Assistant professor of Educational Studies, History of Education, at The University of British Columbia as part of the Schooling the Suburbs research project. Contact Jason Ellis here: Â j.ellis@ubc.ca
Metropolicyarchive.ca is funded by a Haagenson Fund grant and by the Department of Educational Studies (UBC). http://edst.educ.ubc.ca